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Colouring Page
May 20, 2020

My city has been on lockdown due to COVID-19 for about two months now. After 6 weeks of intense creative block, I’m back to making art again! During my worst times I was still able to doodle draw during video chats. I’ve collected my favourite and cutest drawings into a colouring page that can be printed at home. 

See the full page and download it at The page is formatted to be printed on letter size paper (8.5 x11”) at 100%. 

Paper Spring Exhibition
November 30, 2018 - January 12, 2019 
Capacity 3 Gallery, Guelph, ON 

Paper Spring exhibits decorative and narrative work that has paper as its base medium, art that springs forth from paper. This includes a series of "tree motif" papercuts, heavily inspired by the Wycinanki tradition in Polish Folk Art,  a selection of original pages from Babcia, an ongoing historical memoir in comic form which aims to rebuild my connection to my late grandmother, cut short by immigration and Alzheimer's, and Inheritance, a 3-dimensional papercut comic about preserving culture in times of conflict and immigration.

“Paper Spring” also represents the struggle against Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). November and December can be the toughest months of the year. Darkness dominates, creating space for all  the dark parts inside of us to grow to prominence and flourish. Depression, anxiety, self doubt, and anguish take a more powerful hold. There is something good about this process, the cyclical movement of season and light and psychological change. It can be useful to sit in the dark and look at our demons. But undeniably, it is difficult. This installation aims to provide a brief respite from this challenging process, to create a feeling of blooming spring in the gallery, in the middle of the darkest time, underground.

Tierra Herida, Printmaking from the Americas
October 18 - December 30 2018 
OPEN Centre for the Arts, Chicago, IL 

OPEN Gallery presents the Tierra Herida Exhibition with 50 International Printmakers from the American Continent with the objective of making visible the problems of mining in the Americas, generating a debate that provokes consciences and actions. The history of this region is closely linked to mining. From colonial times to our present, labor exploitation, the repression of social movements and environmental damage have gone hand in hand with this industry. Recently, large-scale extraction projects have increased with adverse consequences for the environment and the communities where they are carried out. The opposition to mining has grown in an organized way but also the violence with which it tries to silence those voices. As a result, Latin America has become one of the most dangerous places in the world for defenders of human rights and the environment.

Gallery presenta la siguiente Exhibición de 50 Artistas Grabadores del Continente Americano con el objetivo de visibilizar la problemática de la minería en las Américas generando un debate que provoque conciencia y acciones. La historia de esta región está estrechamente vinculada con la extracción minera. Desde tiempos coloniales hasta nuestro presente la explotación laboral, la represión de movimientos sociales y los daños ambientales han ido de la mano con esta industria. Recientemente, los proyectos de extracción a gran escala han aumentado con consecuencias adversas para el medio ambiente y las comunidades donde se llevan a cabo. La oposición a la minería ha crecido de manera organizada pero también la violencia con que se trata de callar esas voces. Como consecuencia, América Latina se ha vuelto uno de los lugares más peligrosos en el mundo para defensores de los derechos humanos y el medio ambiente.

My contribution - No to Mining, Yes to Life
No to Mining, Yes to Life - Marta Chudolinska, 2018